a life well lived, one where other people were better for his presence and his memory lives in them and the future
safe flight WB5MZO Robert Oler ________________________________ From: Robert McGwier [email protected] Sent: Tuesday, September 28, 2021 10:13 AM To: amsat bb [email protected] Subject: [AMSAT-BB] K3IO ex-W3IWI
It is a terribly sad duty for me to tell you that our dear friend, peer and colleague, Tom Clark passed away.
I have already agreed with AMSAT managment to put together a memorial talk for the AMSAT meeting and extended effort for the journal and online.
I heartbroken to lose my friend.
Bob N4HY
Dr. Robert W McGwier, Ph.D. Adjunct Faculty, Virginia Tech ARDC Member of Board N4HY: ARRL, TAPR, AMSAT, EARC Sky: AAVSO, SkyHub, Auburn AS, Skyscrapers