On 24 Jun 2007 at 23:02, Greg D. wrote:
Hi folks,
Just a quick note to the group that, now that AO-51 is no longer in mode LU, I've finished the L-band Helix antenna. Photos are at the bottom of the page at: http://home.wavecable.com/~ko6th There's a weak carrier off to the West of here, and it seems a bit stronger than with the makeshift Quagi I had before. So, I'll call it a success. Thanks to all for your help,
Greg KO6TH p.s. if for some odd reason you've bookmarked my projects page, note that we've changed service providers, and have a new URL.
You can ask the control team to open this mode again if they received enough request they can make it available again.
Amsat-NA has established an Operations Group and email address for AO-51 satellite users to submit requests and ideas for the Experimenters Wednesday sessions. We will also take suggestions for the normal weeklong operational periods as well. Every member of the Operations Group will receive emails from this address. This is your chance, the amateur satellite user, to request from the AO-51 Operations Group the modes you are interested in seeing operated on the satellite during the weekly Wednesday sessions. Do not expect a reply to every email, as we will not have the time to respond to each one, but your input will be noted. The email address to send your requests or ideas to the Operations Group is:
mailto:[email protected]?subject=AO51%20web%20page%20request
"-" "It is not the class of license the amateur holds, but the class of the amateur that holds the license."
Luc Leblanc VE2DWE Skype VE2DWE www.qsl.net/ve2dwe WAC BASIC CW PHONE SATELLITE