After 15 years, it was time. Old computer still works.
I installed SATPC32 on the new computer. On the old computer I did a backup. Copied the backup to a USB stick and copied it to the backup folder on the new computer. Started SATPC32 and did a restore. Registration and everything is fine. All my satellites come up.
Now the issue.... 1. I use FoxDelta trackbox. It is connected USB. It comes up as USB COM11. When I try to select 11 in the COM port setting of SATPC32, it will only take 1-4.
2. I have an ICOM IC-9100. I used to have it connected to the old computer with USB. On new Lenovo ThinkStation Intel I5 chip, it does not recognize the driver. I downloaded them from ICOM and that did not help. I went to Silicon Lab and downloaded their most recent driver and that did not help. I want to get this working for issue 3.
3. My logging program will read the frequency from the radio for logging. I used to connect this to the ICOM CT-17. Both USB and CT worked fine for as long as I can remember. I had to change the radio to operate from COM 1 instead of using the USB cable. SATPC32 is happy with it.
I need a driver for the IC-9100. I need to know how to get the FoxDelta on a different COM port that SATPC32 likes.
I have changed the COM ports in Device Manager with no success.
Any suggestions?