Sasha, Sounds interesting. Do you have any videos on the operation either at youtube or somewhere else? Dave, AA4KN
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On Wed, Sep 7, 2022 at 1:32 PM, Sasha Tim[email protected] wrote: Hello everyone, This is my first time posting here, so please do reprehend me in case I break a few guidelines. For the last few months, I have been developing a new digital slow scan television mode for amateur satellites. The focus is to still be able to recover a complete image at reasonable speeds. In fact, current tests show that if 100% data recovery is desired, then up to 30% data loss can happen. If resolution is sacrificed, there can be up to 80% loss and still be able to recover the entire image, unlike sstv and other scanline systems. Also, a noise free image (100% recovery) can be received down to about 10dB SNR. Would some of you be interested in this mode? It’s halfway thru development, and if there is enough interest I will post code on GitHub and this bulletin once it’s finished. Thank you, Sasha T
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