I used Directtive Systems model 2314LYRM 14 ELEMENT rear mount 36 INCH 15 dBi gain loop yagi for the past 2 field days. Feed it with 80 feet of Andrews 1/2 inch hardline. I had a 6 foot jumper of RG8 from the antenna to the hardline to do the twist. Also a 8 foot piece of the same RG8 at the radio end as it just did not quit reach.
I tested this with the IC-1200 before the big day. I saw 23 watts at the radio and 13 at the antenna using the Bird. Lord knows that is enough to work AO-51 anytime.
Thanks W4AMC for the mode L/u contact. GD sig.
73's << John
On Wed, Jul 2, 2008 at 8:15 AM, Alan P. Biddle [email protected] wrote:
I have an M2 23CM35EZ which works very well with AO-51. Overkill on AO-51, and probably marginal for P3, though they are easy to stack for gain. http://www.m2inc.com/products/uhf/23cm/23cm35ez.html
If you want to go with a commercial helix, Directive Systems makes the DSH23-12. A friend bought one, and in fact got them to make one with a few more turns in it. It worked well, and is certainly designed to withstand the elements. http://www.directivesystems.com/new.htm
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