I want to give a huge "Thank You" to all of the guys at the Dayton Hamvention for the information they shared at the AMSAT booth and the demonstrations. After a few unsuccessful tries I made my first QSO on SO-50 about 10 minutes ago. I only made one contact tonight, that being KC9TTR in Indiana, but I know that the first one is the hardest.
I am thrilled right now, and I know that learning what I learned in Dayton put me ahead many, many hours.
I know you spent a lot of time around the AMSAT demonstration area outside the buildings at the Hamvention last weekend. KC9TTR made his first satellite QSO last weekend, so it is appropriate that the two of you worked each other so soon after the Hamvention.
Hope to get you in my log soon. 73!
Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK http://www.wd9ewk.net/