My informal "poll" of Web site visitors to ...
... were given a link to an informal ARISSat-1 poll: "Will You be Working ARISSat-1?"
Almost 300 responded, able to choose multiple modes ...
YES - Monitoring the FM voice announcements, 249 - 34.16% YES - SSTV, 132, - 18.11% YES - Transponder, linear, inverting - SSB/CW, 114 - 15.64% YES - Telemetry, 99 - 13.58% YES - Morse code beacon, BPSK-400, 66 - 9.05% YES - Morse code beacon, BPSK-1000, 66 - 9.05%
No interest - sorry! - ONE, 0.41%
Clint Bradford, K6LCS
NOTE: The author of this message wishes to point out, in case it was not already embarassingly, ridiculously obvious, that the "poll" data is in no manner scientific in nature. Results are offered for entertainment purposes only.