Hey all...I noticed on my tracking app this morning that AO-7 was making a 40° pass, so I figured I'd give it a try...I set up my radio with the frequencies...And, lo-and-behold, I was hearing my downlinked signals...Right where it was supposed to be...I first sent some CW...Then went to voice...I did hear a station call, but it was near los..So I don't copy them...Last time I sent any signals through ao-7 was over 40 years ago...I made over 600 contacts through AO-7 & AO-8...I had an old KLM MULTI-2000, put out about 10 watts...I used home-made 10m, 2m, & 70 cm turnstiles...I had a 70cm down converter, with preamps for all three...I currently have a TS-2000x...My antenna is a 2m eggbeater....I'm using an mfj duplexer, for both uplink & downlink...It works well on both the analog and fm birds...I plan on getting a 70cm eggbeater soon...But it seems to be working fine with the single antenna...
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