25 Feb
25 Feb
7:15 p.m.
I agree with Cliff. Tha same is true with terrestial repeaters. If you expect a reply then the accepted term is "CQ" not "listening".
Nigel A. Gunn. 59 Beadlemead, Milton Keynes, MK6 4HF, England.
Tel +44 (0)1908 604004 mobile +44 (0)7951079089
e-mail [email protected] www http://www.ngunn.net
Amateur radio stations G8IFF, KC8NHF
Member of ARRL, GQRP #11396, QRPARCI #11644, SOC #548, Flying Pig #385,
Dayton ARA #2128, AMSAT-NA LM-1691, MKARS, RAYNET