----- Original Message ----- From: "AMRAD" [email protected] To: "AMSAT-BB" [email protected]; "i8cvs" [email protected] Sent: Monday, August 25, 2008 11:32 AM Subject: Re: [amsat-bb] IARU representation in European Union
Dear Domenico, I8CVS
This is a very important and present topic.
Is one dramatic situation (unconstitutional and illegal) when a «national society» from IARU refuses other national and regional or local associations, clubs, groups, NGO, leagues or societies to make part of the worldwide interests of the culture of science and technology via the open spirit of the HAM's all over the world. In fact, this is the present situation of the Portuguese representative IARU society.
Mariano Goncalves, CT1XI
Past president (1998 to 2001) of REP the Portuguese member of IARU President of the board of AMRAD (NGO) and AMSAT-CT
Hi Mariano, CT1XI
In Italy ARI is the IARU Region-1 member society representing radioamateurs and all members of ARI are obliged to follow the IARU bylaw.
If I agree to be a member of ARI and to follow the IARU bylaw then there is no need to create another national or regional association with a different bylaw
If a group don't agree to follow the IARU bylaw then another national association is created mainly with the purpose to do everyting into the amateur bands particularly disregarding the IARU bandplan creating caos without to receive any penalty because this is the point the National Communication Autority do not manage the amateur operating modes inside the borders of the officially allowed Amateur Bands.
It follows that an ARI member cannot ask protection to the National Communication Autority let say in the case a national association not recognising IARU put a FM repeater into the middle af a satellite downlink a very common and daily story here.
This situation creates frustration to the ARI members following the IARU rules and since they cannot be protected by the National Communication Autority they are inclined to abandone ARI and IARU
Only if ITU the International Telecommunication Union will recognize that the bylaw of IARU must be followed by all IARU and non IARU associations then the actual caos will stop and IARU to survive must work to get this target.
Best 73" de
i8CVS Domenico