John, I did at one point, but no longer. (See picture.) The PVC cradle for mounting it is not hard to make. It seemed to work fine on linears, but only fair on FMs. Being able to rotate on the bore access might have helped, but then you’re back to handheld portable operation. Because it is co-planar on 2 and 70 and has a single feed, there’s de-sensing when the uplink is on 2. That’s a more curable problem on an Arrow from what I’ve read, having never used an Arrow myself. You’ll probably ask about the tracker that’s pictured. It was designed by WB0OEW and published by him in QEX a number of years ago. He had a website that had an updated version which is what I built. But that website no longer exists. I’d go with a different solution today. In fact, I’m trying to get up to speed on C++ so I can code a version for portable operation that’s driven by SatPC32 over a USB cable. 73,Ray KN2K