5 Jul
5 Jul
12:30 p.m.
We have been using the term "Mode K" to describe 21 MHz uplink/29 MHz downlink because that is what AMSAT called it when it first came into use in 1987. Similarly, the terms "Mode A" and "Mode B" came into use in 1974 because that is what the engineers who designed AMSAT-OSCAR 7 called them. AO-7 actually has four modes: Mode C is a low-power version of Mode B, and Mode D is "transponder off." Then came Fuji-OSCAR 12 with Modes JA (analogue) and JD (digital), where "J" stood for "Japan." FCC even included the definitions of Modes A and B in the written tests of that era.
This "ancient history" has probably served its purpose. Art is right: we'd do better to stick with the numbers.
73 Ray W2RS