Since deployment, we have been capturing the minimum and maximum Realtime values for each channel when they have been uploaded by a groundstation. This has given us a good overview for the early operation and initial commisioning.
We have now moved into a steady state of operation and need to check for long-term trends. To achieve this, we have changed the min-max data collection such that it resets every 7 days and we capture the values each time it does so. At reset you will see the reference date change on the page and the min/max values converge. They will diverge again within an orbit.
We did think about a rolling 7 day period but that is quite a heavywieght process on the server as it has to be run each time we get an upload!
As always, many thanks to all those who are uploading data to the warehouse.
Any feedback to the forum as usual please: http://forum.funcube.org.uk
Dave, G4DPZ
FUNcube Team Member