*I'd like to thank everyone who has responded to my recent call for advice getting started with satellite operation. Lots of good advice. Appreciated. *
*Specially I asked about the M2 Egg Beater antenna system. No bad words about it, and I now know the M2 Leo Pack is "the" de-facto satellite antenna system. *
*A Ham mentioned an antenna I never thought about, the Diamond D130J Discone. It would seem it too, especially given its low cost, is a viable choice for someone just getting their feet wet without spending a lot up front to get started. I have everything I need, other than the antenna. *
*So, with that in mind, I'd like to hear more about the Diamond D130J, the good, the bad, the ugly, from users or those knowledgeable about that antenna for satellite operations. So far I have only heard the "Good." What's the Bad, the Ugly?*
*I just want to get started, b***efore I go off on the deep end someday, as it has been brought to my attention Satellite Operation can be very addictive Hi Hi. **
*Thanks, 73 Richard AG5M, AMSAT Member #54688195. *