For the pass just now, 23-dec-2007, 07:40 UTC, multiple stations here in New Zealand sent packets via ANDE.
I decoded 13 packets per below, and heard a few others. I expect most or all of those other stations also captured some too, and maybe some I don't have.
Yay ANDE! - still operational at some 190 Km, per Nova and Space-Track keps.
Unlike other passes, I attempted to track my antenna very close to what was predicted by the program, and it seems to work better than leading as I had been on other passes.
Regards, Jim, ZL1TYF
First packet about 07:38 UTC, and last about 07:42, give or take a minute.
ZL1AOX>APRS,ANDE-1* <UI>:Ping...# 36
ANDE-1>BEACON <UI>:T#003,142,188,201,199,204,10101111,000
ZL1AOX>APRS,ANDE-1* <UI>:Ping...# 37
ZL1TYF>APRS,ANDE-1* <UI R>:Hi from Wellington at RE78jt
ZL1AOX>APRS,ANDE-1* <UI>:Ping...# 38
ZL1AOX>APRS,ANDE-1* <UI>:Ping...# 39
ANDE-1>BEACON <UI>:T#004,002,010,009,004,003,01000000,000
ZL3GA-1>APND12,ANDE-1*,WIDE2-2 <UI R>:=4322.91SN17238.49E#DIGI_NED: Kaiapoi
ZL3GA-1>APND12,ANDE-1*,WIDE2-2 <UI R>:=4322.91SN17238.49E#DIGI_NED: Kaiapoi
ZL1AOX>APRS,ANDE-1* <UI>:Ping...# 40
ANDE-1>BEACON <UI>:T#005,138,047,049,046,214,11100001,000
ZL1TYF>APRS,ANDE-1* <UI R>:Hi from Wellington at RE78jt
ANDE-1>BEACON <UI>:T#006,142,189,201,202,206,10101111,000