31 Jan
31 Jan
9:18 p.m.
Stephen Gulyas has been fabricating the absolute best BNC-to-SMA antenna adapters for several years. These are not "one size fits all" adapters: Stephen realizes that to protect your handheld radio's delicate SMA connector the adapter must "mate" solidly to the case of the radio ...
He has just updated his offerings - now covering more than 50 HT models.
And the reasonable price has remained the same for as long as I can remember.
If you swap antennas a lot ... or otherwise connect/disconnect antenna/cables a lot, then you need one of these adapters. Otherwise, budget for a $45-75 antenna jack replacement repair job down the line ... (grin)
The three-page .pdf document is posted on the ANTENNAS page at ...
Clint Bradford K6LCS 909-241-7666