With the demise of AO51, does this mean the only remaining FM sat in operation is AO27?
There is also SO-50, which is still working. It takes a little more to hear its 250mW compared to AO-27 and (previously) AO-51, but it still works. Too many times in the past, SO-50 passes would be relatively quiet with few stations on compared to the busy passes on AO-27 and AO-51. With the unfortunate situation AO-51 is now in, maybe there will be an increase in activity on SO-50.
(I thought I remembered seeing something here several months ago to the effect that the SO67 ops were trying to restart that one ??)
That was correct, but there doesn't appear to be any new info on that front at the AMSAT SA web site http://www.amsatsa.org.za/ :-( Maybe one of our South African friends will be able to update us on the status of that satellite.
Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK http://www.wd9ewk.net/