--- "Greg D." [email protected] wrote:
Normally I would agree that the FM Sats are easier to work, and more contacts can be made in a short time. But Field Day is far from a normal day.
On FD, the FM Sats are swamped with far too many people trying to make a contact, and the single channel / FM Capture Effect generally results in nobody getting anywhere. As has been pointed out, any station is only allowed one Satellite contact, but there are so many stations trying for that one contact that none succeed.
Unfortunately, Greg's expericnce mirrors mine. If you're thinking of putting all your eggs in that basket, I'm afraid many of you are going to be very disappointed. His suggestion of going the CW/SSB route for FD is a valid one. Whatever you decide, good luck and have fun.
73, Gary -K8KFJ- AMSAT #32574 Sat VUCC #125
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