I receive a daily digest, but other than checking the archives, is there any real-time or near-real-time way to see new bb messages?
Rick mentioned:
- I BCC it to myself. It showed up in 5 seconds. Five hours
*>* later, I still do not see it listed on the AMSAT BB. * OK, EMike rang a bell :-) The list won't duplicate messages. The settings assumed you already received the message with your BCC. Try it without the BCC on your next message and you should see your messages shortly afterward. There is a Mailman setting for NODUP for all subscribers.
The timing of the message actually appearing for you also depends on local settings. I use MS-Office Outlook for my primary e-mail. My Outlook settings are to check for new mail every 300 seconds (5 minutes). So a message actually arriving would be sometime in that 5 minute window depending on the time in the receive window when I sent the message.
I use Gmail on my Android tablet and it usually receives messages sooner mostly because it is not likely waiting for the 5 minute receive window as in my Outlook settings.
-- 73 de JoAnne K9JKMk9jkm at amsat.org http://www.amsat.org/mailman/listinfo/amsat-bb AMSAT VP User Services