Hector CO6CBF is in Miami! The flight from his home city Cienfuegos arrived in the late morning, then Hector went through Customs and Immigration at the Miami airport. After that, he has been spending the day with his friends in Miami before I meet up with him tomorrow morning. Hector and I chatted on the phone in the late afternoon after I arrived from Phoenix, and - in English and Spanish (he's wanting to speak more English this week) - said he was very happy to be in Miami. Hector confirmed he was allowed to stay in the U.S. for 7 days under his U.S. entry visa, and he will fly home next Wednesday (10/31) morning.
I am not sure Hector has access to his two e-mail accounts back in Cuba while he is in the U.S. I will confirm that in the morning, so please be patient if you sent Hector an e-mail and he has not responded to it. I will see him tomorrow morning, and we should be in Orlando around midday.
For me, it was almost surreal that I was able to dial a Miami phone number, instead of a Cuban phone number, and hear Hector's voice on the other end of the call. Seven months of work paid off, and now we can look forward to seeing and hearing Hector at the Symposium this weekend. Thanks again to everyone who played a part in this effort, no matter how big or small the contribution was, and whether or not your contribution was monetary or something else. Everything fell into place, some of it approaching the last minute, but we did it. :-)
Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK - Plantation, Florida http://www.wd9ewk.net/