I have been using horiz oriented yagis on the LEOS for 5 months now.. and I am VERY pleased with their capabilities. My station is almost exactly as yours. Visit my web page and you can see the set up yourself.
Make sure you check my log as well to give you an idea of effectiveness.
-Steve Raas N2JDQ
-----Original Message----- From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Sion Chow Q. C. (9W2QC) Sent: Friday, May 25, 2007 11:05 AM To: [email protected] Subject: [amsat-bb] Horizontal Polarized Antenna
Dear All,
Currently for my satellite station I am using double stacked vertical polarized yagi antennas for 2M and 70 CM.
However, due to mounting constrains, I would like to mount them in a H configuration instead, on the G-5500 rotator, with the 2M antenna on one side and the 70 cm antenna on the other. A yagi for L and S band will be mounted in between the two antennas on the horizontal boom.
This would mean that I will require the antenna to be horizontally polarized instead of vertically polarized unless I use a non-metallic boom. Before I perform this, I would like to know what are the differences with using horizontal instead of vertical polarization when operation the LEOs such as AO-51, SO-50 and etc. Also, what are the effects of using a horizontal polarization with the ISS on 2M?
Sorry if this has been asked before, but was just trying to be sure before I perform any major modifications. Thank you very much in advance.
73, Sion Chow Q. C., 9W2QC.
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