*I am certainly interested in investigating this further and try. May be some in the mailing list would have inputs or experiences to share on the matter. Again, I have been able to make EME QSO's with very small stations relatively speaking (~8000 watts EIRP) so satellite reflection should be much easier and accessible to relatively small stations.*
Actually, satellite bounce seems to be much more difficult than EME. While there have being several reports of ISS bounce, as far as I know using a (smaller) satellite to bounce off and achieve a QSO has only being done once:
This was done by 23cm stations well equipped for EME, one of them PI9CAM using the 25m dish in Dwingeloo.
The path loss for satellite bounce is much better than for EME (-140dB or so versus -271dB for EME in 23cm). The challenge is in pointing the dishes, tracking Doppler (+/-30kHz during the pass) and the fact that the radar equation considers only ideal conditions and in reality the signals are much weaker and have QSB.
Dani EA4GPZ.