17 Aug
17 Aug
8:32 a.m.
SPUTNIX has added a Linux version of the SPUTNIX Telemetry Viewer for SiriusSat-1/SiriusSat-2:
Download SPUTNIX Telemetry Viewer (Linux Russian, 21.7 MB): http://sputnix.ru/tpl/docs/SX-TLM-Viewer-0.0.0-linux64-ru.tar.gz
Download SPUTNIX Telemetry Viewer (Linux English, 21.7 MB): http://sputnix.ru/tpl/docs/SX-TLM-Viewer-0.0.0-linux64-en.tar.gz
Source: http://sputnix.ru/en/satellites-en/siriussat-1-en
Telemetry has been received from both satellites according to Russian language posts at https://vk.com/sputnixru.%C2%A0 Ground stations are preparing to command the satellites.
Todd AL0I