I just saw this announced by Nanoracks; someone earlier on this BBS was asking about a TECHEDSAT-8 cubesat.
four cubesats released: Assume it was done on January 31 2019?
The satellites deployed and their timestamps were:
*CAT-1/CAT-2:* 10:25 GMT/4:25 CST *Delphini-1:* 12:00 GMT/6:00 CST *UNITE:* 13:40 GMT/7:40 CST *TechEdSat-8:* 16:45 GMT/10:45 CST
TechEdSat-8, and Unite are listed on Nasa's ELaNa site; https://www.nasa.gov/content/upcoming-elana-cubesat-launches
and only Delphini-1 is listed as being coordinated(that I could find) ; http://www.amsat.org.uk/iaru/
per the IARU site Delphini-1:
Supporting Organisation Aarhus University – Department of Engineering Contact Person nh@eng.au.dk.nospam Headline Details: The Delphini-1 mission is a 1U CubeSat and is an educational and amateur radio mission with the purpose of teaching students and academic staff how to operate a nanosatellite in space, its electronics and all aspects of physics involved in space. Proposing a UHF downlink using9k6 GMSK. Planning a Nanoracks deployment from the ISS in October 2018. More details are available at http://projects.au.dk/ausat/delphini1/ **A downlink on 437.500 MHz has been coordinated** Application Date: 06 Jan 2018 Freq coordination completed on 25 Jan 2018
Christy KB6LTY