Nexus cubesat will be launched on January 17, 2019. In document <a href="http://sat.aero.cst.nihon-u.ac.jp/nexus/download/About_initial_operation_immediately_after_separation_e.pdf">About_initial_operation_immediately_after_separation_e.pdf</a> from ANS-006 AMSAT NEWS SERVICE are given the preliminary TLE data.
NEXUS 1 99999U 99999A 19017.08394676 0.00000000 00000-0 00000-0 0 9991 2 99999 97.2400 80.2200 0010290 211.2310 184.0310 15.23623214 09
The TLE data depends on the exact positions of each item. Positions are compromised when copying documents. Such damaged TLE data are not in sat programs as GPredict) processed.
The repair is simple. Just compare the positions of dots and dashes in TLE data and move items to the correct positions.
Already for FOX-1D I wrote a TLEdoctor program that can display flawed positions and can easily be corrected by comparing with the template. After repair, GPredict data can be uploaded and we can take all advantages of our sat program during the first pass.
TLE doctor: http://oscar.ok2gz.eu/fox1d.php
Yet planned orbit params for NEXUS
period: 94.515 min apogeum : 502.1 km perigeum: 489.0 km max qso length: 4904 km inclination: 97.24 degrees
73 jarda ok2gz
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