Hi again Rupesh,
we are not able to receive data on the software screen. whenever we have a pass of ISS some signals are detected and a receiving led glows even in squelch on.
I forgot to mention this in my previous e-mail. If you have your packet station working in both directions, transmit and receive, with terrestrial signals then you will have better luck with signals from space.
I use the APRS beacon frequency 144.390 MHz for testing my packet configuration on receive. I live near a large city (Chicago) so this frequency always has plenty of strong signals. That way I do not have to wait 90 minutes or longer for the next ISS pass. The APRS beacons and local digipeaters have strong signals so that ensures that I am receiving packets with a good checksum (to overcome the software TNC's somewhat rigorous demand for checksums) at which point I can read the messages on UISS, UZ7HO, UI-View, or hardware TNC, etc. I then QSY back 145.825 for ISS packet operating.
Also, try receiving the digital telemetry beacon from FUNcube-1, AO-73. The BPSK downlink is on 145.935 MHz. You will need to set the TS-2000 to receive USB instead of FM (and tune for Doppler). The FUNcube Dashboard software for receiving and decoding the BPSK signal can be downloaded from funcube.org.uk. I get good signals with just a 3-element 2 meter beam with fixed elevation and turned with a TV antenna rotor.
-- 73 de JoAnne K9JKM [email protected] Editor, AMSAT Journal