Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: FW: Re: em40 needed
I misread this as something to do with 40m EME and got so distracted doing the calculations that I may as well post them.
By my guess, if one could find an abandoned K mart parking lot with 160' spacing between light poles (about 30' high), one could hang 16 dipoles. If it was over GOOD swamp land, that might equal about 14 dB antenna gain.
The path loss at 40m is 36 dB better than at UHF so the link would be about 0 dB SNR on a CW signal maybe. But from this one has to subtract a huge amount of noise on 40m. And it would only work at high elevations with really QUIET sun cycle. (you could point it with some phase adjustments)...
But several dB of processing gain via DSP could bring it back up?
These are only wild guesses. But it was fun. I'd love to see an expert's calculation just for the drill.