Hey Mark.How's things going on this Thanksgiving weekend?I've been hearing that signal here in SE Michigan, in EN82ig, for several years now.It wasn't always there.I don't think it's being done on purpose.But it does appear to be moving around a bit.Some days, it's right there, clobbering most of the AO-91 downlink frequency.But on other days, it's moved.Sometimes considerably.I wish we could get our FCC to send one of their well known tracking trucks over here, to sniff down that signal.It comes in fairly strong around here.And it's always here.Fortunately, not always clobbering AO-91.But it is always thereSo it shouldn't be too hard to find.For several years, there were no signals there.So it is amazing, right after that satellite became popular, a signal appears. Just thought you folks should know. I don't know if it's being done on purpose, but I wish they could find it and lock it down. I'm very good at tracking down signals.I used to be in the Civil Air Patrol. Whenever an Emergency Locator Beacon would activate, we would get contacted to track it down, and shut it off. We have special tracking receivers that allow us to do exactly that. We've been doing that for years. Most of the time, it's an accidental trigger. But there are times when the signal was for real. It happened once in Canada. And once it happened when a boat capsized and it had an ERPIRB inside the boat. It triggered. And they found it. There are a fleet of satellites. Monitored 24/7 by stations in both the US, Canada, the Russia. Those satellites do a very good job of tracking down those ELT and EPRIB signals. You can usually buy or rent one of your going hiking into a remote area. Good luck to you all. I hope you'll never need one. But it's nice to know it's there if you do. de BILL, AA8WH. Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
On Sat, Nov 26, 2022 at 8:14 AM, Mark Johns, K0JM[email protected] wrote: -----------------------------------------------------------
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