I too have noticed some serious SAT-HOGs having a QSO, which prevented me from making an HT-ARROW portable OP contact.
Take a break from the congestion.... come to the wide open multi-user wideband transponder on PSAT-1. Downlink is good on a handheld arrow on 435.350 MHz FM. It should be able to support dozens of simultaneous full duplex QSO's in the PSK31 waterfall.
Just pick an empty spot and key your TX solid for the full 8 minutes of the pass on your 10 meter PSK31 uplink 28.121 MHz..
To run fullduplex, just run two copies of your favorite PSK31 software. One receiving the FM downlink and the other transmitting on the SSB uplink. Even better is to run Andy K0SM's TX-only uplink client that pre-adjusts for Doppler so everyone can decode you with no adjustments.
Text with everyone all at once.
Bob, WB4aPR