At 12:29 PM 4/14/2018 +0000, Paul Stoetzer [email protected]wrote:
The general guidance in the early years of operating linear transponders was to adjust your transmitter to maintain a constant receive frequency. Experience with the Mode J transponder on FO-12 caused the gudiance to be updated to tuning the higher of the two frequencies. See the Sept 14, 1987 Amateur Satellite Report for more details ( http://www.ka9q.net/asr-1987.pdf).
I've always tended to adjust the uplink to the satellite, even on mode J. Never been chewed out for doing it that way though.
My question, for OM's doing computer control of their rigs. Is the software following the rule, or is it adjusting both uplink and downlink simultaneously?
I've always been curious about that.
Still using InstantTrack here. :-)