Here's my list...
AO-7 - SSB AO-16 - FM/SSB AO-27 - FM AO-51 - FM and SSB/FM (also a couple of CW/FM QSOs) AO-73 - SSB AO-85 - FM AO-91 - FM AO-92 - FM CAS-4A - SSB CAS-4B - SSB EO-88 - SSB FalconSat-3 - Packet FO-29 - SSB HO-68 - FM and SSB ISS - Packet and FM repeater LilacSat-2 - FM LO-78 - FM NO-44 - Packet NO-84 - Packet SO-35 - FM SO-50 - FM SO-67 - FM Ukube-1 - SSB UO-14 - FM VO-52 - SSB XW-2A - SSB XW-2B - SSB XW-2C - SSB XW-2D - SSB XW-2E - SSB XW-2F - SSB
I have made some CW QSOs on a few of the satellites I listed as "SSB" above, but haven't done much CW via satellite in recent years.
Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK http://www.wd9ewk.net/ Twitter: @WD9EWK or http://twitter.com/WD9EWK
On Mon, Oct 1, 2018 at 5:07 PM Paul Stoetzer [email protected] wrote:
Just an idle thought - Who can claim to have made QSOs through the most different satellites? For example, my log shows QSOs via 27 different satellites (listed below).
So who can boast the most satellites worked through?