Hello all. I found a 2401/144 down converter on the internet but when it came in the mail there was no info with it. It is a TranSystem Model AIDC-3733 and I think it came from K5GNA. I removed one cover (antenna on left/144 IF facing me) and found a wire with one end not connected. I realize it needs some DC volts to operate but how much and where it needs to be brought in. Does any one have any info to help me out?
On the internet there a few helix antenna designs for 2401. I found a piece of 1" PVC and some AL. ground wire. I wrapped the wire around the PVC and came up with the 4cm dia. the article talked about. But, in another article (435 Mhz) it was mentioned the PVC was very lossy. What do you think??
Thanks for any help!!
Tim N5KI EM65