I'm grateful to the old curmudgeons who show up here often. Keeping the concept of MEO/HEO L/S band alive is essential. My AO-40 sobsob) gear is in moth balls, just waiting. Yep, Work 'em till they fall out of the sky! 73 Bob W7LRD
----- Original Message ----- From: "Gus 8P6SM" [email protected] To: [email protected] Sent: Saturday, September 22, 2012 7:21:06 PM Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: Satellites
On 09/22/2012 06:55 PM, K4FEG wrote:
When I was active on satellite, we had multiple, digital, store 'n' forward PacSats, each with several simultaneous uplink frequencies. We had single-channel FM birds operating at LEO so people could work them with HTs. We had LEO and HEO birds with linear transponders with pass-bands 100k wide or more. You could QSO with Russian Robots. You could work Mode-A, -B, -J, -L and -S. Even, as I did a few times, B/S (no BS!). Some of these birds would come up over the hill and hang there in the sky for 4, 6, maybe even 8 hours at a time. There were birds with communications ranges of more than 15,000 Km.
Over and above the communications capabilities, most satellites were also experimental platforms of some sort or another. Testing memory error correction software. Testing tantalum and brass shielding for delicate circuitry. Running beacons at extremely high frequencies.
All of this TWENTY years ago.
Nowadays... what? We have a handful of single-channel FM birds, and a handful of linear transponders, all at LEO. The youngest of these is seven years old. The remainder are all in double-digits, with La Grande Dame an incredible THIRTY EIGHT years old!
Ok, so forgive me if I suffer from OFS (Old Fart Syndrome) which occasionally causes a droplet to fall from my eye. But it is embarrassing to consider how much PROGRESS we've made in the last twenty years.
The amateur satellite community were the first to try lots of new launch technology, and to bear the risk of those tests. Those technologies now earn millions for the launch providers every year, but we don't earn a cent and we certainly don't rate even the occasional free ride. We have no friends in those launch providers. We have no friends in NASA, apparently. We have no friends in government. We have nothing much, really.
Except we have a spectrum allocation. One that every Tom, Dick and Harry seems to want to use. Yet we can't leverage this into anything of any particular value to us? Year after year, launch after launch, we hear about educational Yawn-Sats with "amateur payloads" that are really the satellite operators running telemetry and telecommand on OUR frequencies and giving nothing back in return. How that continues to happen, I can't even begin to guess. If it were up to a dummy like me there would be NO MORE LAUNCHES using amateur frequencies, unless they carried a GENUINE amateur payload as part of the flight hardware. (Or at least made a fat donation to a launch-fund, but that's probably illegal.) Thank goodness there are smarter people out there who wouldn't make the sort of mistake I would! Because allowing them to use our frequencies entirely for their own purposes, year after year, is hailed as the best and only way forward.
So yes, my friend. Work 'em while they're there! Because it sure don't look like we are going to get any more. And even if we do, don't expect to get anything even REMOTELY as advanced as we used to have, two decades ago. Nowadays, ker-chunking a flying repeater is the absolute height of satellite sophistication!
Sorry, gotta go. Droplets are leaking from my eyes again.