31 Dec
31 Dec
5:51 a.m.
I got an idea.
At the moment, most systems have some sort of PC sending data to a controller which makes decisions.
1. Antenna pot goes to A/D on PIC 2. PIC is told from com port where it should be 3. PIC makes up its mind to turn left or right. 4. Relays are part of controller.
I have another way to do it.
1. PIC chip reads position of POT etc from A/D and SENDS position to LINUX box on RS232 2. PERL asks PREDICT where the sat should be 3. PERL works out what to do 4. Turn on relays using an inexpensive relay board on the parrallel port.
What about the old games port ?
That used to read pots ?
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Andrew Rich VK4TEC