Here is the crash screen essential info...
DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL STOP: 0x000000D1 (0x0000000000000068, 0x0000000000000002, 0x0000000000000001, 0xFFFFF88004FC2EF1) USA49WGx64p.SYS Address: FFFFF88004FCEF1 base at FFFFF88004FC2000, Datestamp 45cc305b
Clearly, this crash occurred inside the KeySpan USA-49WG device driver. The downloaded driver is for Vista, not Win7. This may be the problem. I will call Tripp-Lite on Monday when they are open. I also will purchase the 2 serial port PCI interface ($20) that I found on the Internet. It is plug-n-play and utilizes only one IRQ slot. We'll give that a go and see what happens.
If anyone knows of a Win7 driver for the KeySpan adapters, please let me know where to find them.
I have read via google that drivers for Vista may or may not work well in Win7. Symptoms are computer locking up, computer crashing, device malfunction, incorrect data being sent or received, and others. I've seen both crash and data malfunction.
Someone suggested I go back to XP; thanks for the advice. If I still had an XP computer, I'd gladly try it. But both of my XP boxes died last winter and I replaced both of them with Win7 computers. Unless someone donates a working XP box to me, I'm sticking with Win7.
Manual control of the two rotors and the Doppler is out of the question. I tried it and managed one contact, I forget which bird. But then the bird's AZ/EL shifted and I never found it again.
73, Larry W7IN -- DN27 -- Plains, Montana
On 5/1/2010 4:39 AM, Larry Gerhardstein wrote:
Thanks to all who have answered both on and off the list. I have had my sat station working on a prior computer, an XP laptop, not with the KeySpan but with one serial adapter cable plus the "real serial interface" in that computer. I've not tried those on the Win7's. I no longer have the XP's; they both died this past winter.
Interfaces are the GS232 from Yaesu, and the CT-17 level converter from ICOM.
I may try the "real serial interface" approach--a good idea. Though I live in a small town, there is a computer geek who lives nearby me. I have at least one salvaged serial port interface from a previous computer. I have another junked computer that possibly has one in it also. I'll check that out.
I will get the additional information from the crash screen and display here.
73, Larry