19 Jun
19 Jun
10:35 a.m.
A Sub orbital launch from Wallops Island.. some of you... with high gain 2 meter antennas and possibly elevation control (depending on where you are- approx 70 miles elevation at apogee) will give a listen for it
Assuming the ground track is out to sea for range safety, then I would assume it may also add as much as 70 miles distance too.. THus, high angle elevation control for most of us is not needed and from Washington DC (range 120 miles+70) the elevation angle will not rise above maybe 20 degrees which is well within the beamwidth of all terrestrial azimuth-only beams.
Just point at Wallops and see what you capture. Remember, this channel is already wall-to-wall packets and so we are looking for the needles in the haystack.