30 Aug
30 Aug
11:52 p.m.
And for those attending HAMCOM, I'll be presenting my 'Work AO-51 with your HT' session at the 7pm meeting of the Long Beach ham club at the event's hotel. All are invited!
Clint, K6 LCS 909-241-7666
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-----Original Message----- From: Jim Jerzycke [email protected] Date: Thursday, Aug 30, 2007 8:44 pm Subject: ARRL SW Division HAMCON AMSAT Booth To: Clint Bradford [email protected], [email protected]
And for those that are planning on attending The ARRL HAMCON in Torrance at the Mariott the weekend of September 7th, 8th, and 9th, Duane Naugle, KO6BT, and I will be manning the AMSAT booth!