Rick, There could be a multiple of reasons why a gridsquare is not awarded for VUCC. If the QSO is confirmed and the detail specifies a grid, then it usually is either you already have the grid confirmed or you were outside of your designated VUCC circle (per YOUR established VUCC Rules). Sometimes the QSL lists a grid, but it is not awarded and there is a box next to it. If this is not an "exotic" grid, chances are you already have it confirmed. If no grid is specified in the QSL details, then the other person forgot to include that information. 73, Robert Bankston, KE4ALVice-President, User ServicesRadio Amateur Satellite Corporation (AMSAT) Twitter: @KE4ALabamaWebsite: KE4AL.wordpress.com
On Thursday, October 31, 2019, 08:38:04 AM CDT, Rick Wyrwas via AMSAT-BB [email protected] wrote:
Is anyone having problem when a QSO is verified, no grid is shown in VUCC column