In a message dated 27/07/2008 19:32:26 GMT Standard Time, [email protected] writes:
Near the end of this article they mention a LEO launch vehicle. Something to think about! http://www.comcast.net/articles/news-science/20080726/TEC.Space.Tourism/ 73 Bob W7LRD Seattle
Hi Bob.
Sadly I think the general approach to Virgin Galactic's space tourism is incompaible with small satellites as we know them.
The Virgin / Rutan plan takes people into space, but with zero relative velocity to the earth. This means that gravity will cause their spaceship 2 and any satellite to fall straight back down.
To achieve orbit, the satellite would need propulsion capable of generating about 18,000 miles per hour of 'horizontal' motion + a bit more altitude would be nice too. Easier than launching from the earth. No friction from the atmosphere, but still a very difficult task.