The Icom IC-W32A is still available from The Ham Station at http://www.hamstation.com/
Dan, N9APA, [email protected] said that they four IC-W32As in stock, as of Mon, 23 Oct 2006.
73 George k6ite
On 1 Nov 2006 at 8:15, Stephen Brown Jr wrote:
I'll plug the D7 as well, I bought one earlier this year with the intentions of just using it for APRS/Packet, but it also works excellent for FM sat work. I've only used it through AO-51 with an Arrow antenna, but as Eric mentioned it works well for the other modes as well.
73's Stephen N1VLV
On 10/31/06, Eric H Christensen [email protected] wrote:
Tim, I don't know about the best handheld but I use a Yaesu FT-51R and I'll use it until it dies. I've worked SO-50, AO-27, and AO-51 with this rig with great success.
Since that radio isn't available new anymore I'd suggest the Kenwood D7A as well. I've worked all the above satellites with the D7A plus NO-44 and the ISS in digital mode (with the built-in TNC in both 1200 baud and 9600 baud). I love both of these radios for both satellite and terrestrial uses.
73s, Eric KF4OTN AMSAT Member 35360 AMSAT Area Coordinator
Please donate to the Eagle project! http://www.amsat-na.com/donation.php?donate=eagle
Tim Tapio wrote:
What's the best handheld for use on the FM sats?
How about portable/mobile?
Fixed station??
73 de Tim, K4SHF