There seems to be a proliferation of satellites using the Amateur bands as cheap down links, and using Radio Amateurs as a cheap way of collecting their data. It is MY personal belief that a satellite should only use our hard-earned and much coveted frequencies if they REALLY do carry an Amateur Radio payload... I.E. a Transponder!
While I too like to see transponders, I do not like to see all the negativizim, hate and rabble-rousing against those who actually get something into space. The self-richeous nay-saying comments are about as practical as these:
"Those HF contesters should not be using the Amateur Bands, they should be passing useful communications or traffic!"
"Those Traffic passers are not real amateur operators, because they will not respond with QSL's!"
"Those old fud rag chewers on HF think they own the frequency. They should let others use the frequency for more useful communications"
"Those FM commuters are just wasting air time, saying the same old thing every day. Why don't they just use a cell phone!"
"Those AM guys are just wasting 6 KHz of spectrum, they should be made illegal on the amateur bands"
"Who wants to look at all those SSTV pictures, Its just the same old post-card! They should not be using 3 KHz of bandwidth for such stupid applications"...
"Those Winlink guys are killing amateur radio by turning the bands into an automatic communications system."
"Those Echolink and IRLP links are bad for ham radio. Why don't they just use HF or a phone if they want to talk to someone far away."
"Those Radio control Airplanes operating on the Amateur band should never be there, they are not communications".
"Those experimental Balloons just transmit pictures and telemetry, without a transponder, they have no purpose in Amateur Radio"
And on and on...
Face, it.. Ham radio is as rich in applications as there are innovative and resourceful people. If you want something done, then go do it. If you don't like what others are doing with their hobby, then get out of the way.
Public negativizim and constant complaining never accomplishes anything except darken our collective hobby. Save that for the politicians who are supposed to respond to their constituents. For a hobby that is just the collective "us" with each licensed individual having the same equal opportunities as everyone else, complaining about what others do is just pointless.