At 06:04 PM 5/5/2008, you wrote:
hello all
my 'old' trakbox (dusty!) ,after 5 years of sleep, doesnt work in stand alone mode anymore ; terminal mode works perfectly. Ram has been cleared , clock adjusted, new keplers loaded ; version is 3.50b.
Any ideas ?
renauld on4kvi
The first thing I would suggest is to change to 3.50d. TAPR has ROMs and the image is readily available if you can program EPROMs.
Also check the battery to see if is still alive. If you need parts let me know as I still have most everything in the kits.
After making these changes let me know your results.
73, Jack - WA4EJR
One more addition, if you order a new EPROM, make sure you order the proper one depending upon whether your box has been upgraded - Basic or Turbo with 80C320 and 22 MHz clock.
John Kopala N7JK