Leaning over the edge of a pier, I heard a plunk and as they say, time slowed down as my brain instantly realized it was my cellphone,.
I jumped in and dug around in the muck (about 3' deep) and probably in under a minute found it. Ran to the house. ran fresh water all over it, dried it and then the same with alcohol. Then dried it in the toaster oven (NOT ON, but I'd let it get too hot to touch, then turn it off and stick the phone in.
That sorta worked. But the screen was shot. Next day I took it apart 2 screws and then just unsnap everything. There is virtually nothing inside but one circuit board anda few chips and the chcklet keyboard. The screen would not detach.
So I then put the ckt brd in a 60C (140F) box and left it 24 hours. Now it works perfectly!
Just FYI Bob