Can I suggest moving AMSAT member communications from eMail to Slack?
When I taught at UC Riverside last year - we used Slack to communicate with students. The tech companies I have worked with in Southern California have used Slack for many years. Recently, I noticed the Parrot Disco (RC Glider) club uses Slack to communicate with volunteers and members:
The benefit to Slack is having channels for each topic. In this case, discussion about Board Membership can be in it's own channel. People who are not interested are not required to read.
Each technology can have it's own channel. Each project can have it's own channel. And, members can find each other easily. This current eMail subscription for all things creates a pain point - encouraging everyone to read everything. I highly recommend the Board of Directors evaluate Slack as a replacement for eMail; the corporate cost per user in low compared to value: excellent ROI. Remember, eMail subscriptions became popular in the 1980s. This protocol is entirely outdated and outmoded for conversations today. Keep in mind, the Medium is the message - another reminder AmSat has become outdated and outmoded and not keeping up with the times. Slack has been a positive and transforming tool employed on many projects I have worked with recently. Sincerely,
Robert MacHale. KE6BLR Ham Radio License. http://www.aprsat.com/predict . http://www.spaceCommunicator.club%C2%A0 . Supporting Boy Scout Merit Badges in Radio, Robotics, and Space Exploration