Right at the end of this morning's FO-29 pass (about 17:50z) I heard a station that sounded like "AL1S" in grid square AP90. That grid would be in Alaska, which was in the footprint, but there's no AL1S up there (nor KL1S, for that matter) according to QRZ.com. Anybody know who that was?
I was at about 5 degrees elevation on the satellite, and I think he caught my call sign correctly. I was just about to confirm it all, then my south-centered antenna controller decided it was time to swing around to the other side of zero azimuth. By the time the antenna came back around a minute later, he was gone.
Related side-question: Does anyone know if the latest version of Predict (Linux version) supports "flipped" antenna rotor operation? My rotor and controller can do it, but Predict 2.2.1 doesn't.
Greg KO6TH
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