I was not planning to do much on the radio this weekend here in Dayton. The one thing I wanted to try was for a QSO with Europe. I brought my two FT-817NDs and an Elk log periodic antenna, the gear I plan on traveling with more often in the future. In the span of approximately 5 minutes around 2031 UTC this afternoon, I worked OZ1MY and 2E1EUB on AO-7 while parked on the EN70xa/EN80aa grid boundary northeast of Dayton. That was fun. :-) Other than Iceland and maybe the Azores, Europe is not possible to work via satellite from Arizona.
Looking forward to the AMSAT forum tomorrow morning, and - hopefully - no more calls from the office! Two of those today, including one that took 3 hours to resolve, get in the way of a short vacation. :-\
Patrick WD9EWK/VA7EWK http://www.wd9ewk.net/