How long or how many full orbits does it take to enable these two satellites? I can see what some days PCSAT is in full sunlight for 2 or 3 full passes, would this mean she would come alive on 1 full pass or does it take more?
PCSAT-1 comes alive on every single orbit, every day. But it only has enough power to transmit a full packet when it is in the northern latitudes (around 45 degrees) and then only when it is passing under the sun (near local noon).
During this time, on every pass, a few user packets are sucessful. And yes,we can command un-needed loads off easily. But then it goes into eclipse 30 minutes later and the batteries die again. When it comes out of that eclipse, then it takes 15 minutes of sun before it can be heard again.
This happens on every orbit, 14 times a day. But on 9 Feb, PCSAT will enter a period of zero eclipses and that is why it will not die and we can use it for a few weeks.
Bob, Wb4APR
And what about UO11, as Clive said this is due to go into eclipse for months in March onwards, but surely some days it should hit full sunlight for a few hours?
Also, does instantrack show the eclipse and non eclipse periods on a