This was the idea of the Wiki, which seemed to be a victim of infant mortality.
-- Ben Jackson - [email protected] - www.innismir.net Sent from my Mobile Device Andrew Rich wrote:
You know this amsat-bb needs to collect up all the info and make a forum web
Same old info over and over
----- Original Message -----
From: "Greg D." <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>; <[email protected]>
Sent: Saturday, October 31, 2009 5:15 PM
Subject: [amsat-bb] Re: Simple 2.4Ghz helix plans?
Hi Michael,
I followed instructions from Howard Long, G6LVB, posted here a few
years ago. (If the archives go back far enough, it was in November of
2001). I don't have it electronically, but the instructions went
something like this:
Get a long piece of thick bare copper wire (#10 is what I think I used),
put a small mark on it every 5 3/4 inches (146mm). Sharpie marker works
well. Wrap it around a
cardboard tube that's about 1 3/4 inches in diameter. The tube from a
roll of paper towels works fine; the dimension is not critical. Space the
turns about 1 1/4 inches (32mm) apart.
Now, here's the magic part: once you get the helix about right, sight
down one edge, and you'll see those 146mm marks you made in the first
step. Twist and stretch the coils so that they all line up, AND at the
same time, keep the turns spaced (center to center) 32mm apart. Take your
time. The diameter of the turns will take care of itself.
For the first 1/4 turn (the matching section), decrease the pitch so that
it gently slopes away from the reflector, which needs to be something
around 4 or so inches in diameter. The rest of the mechanical stuff you
can pretty much make up yourself. There are a lot of examples if you
browse around the web a bit.
Helix antennas are pretty forgiving in construction, and really cheap to
Greg KO6TH
p.s. If you already have a Wi-Fi antenna, it should work too.
Conversely, I've found that a Helix easily outperforms those "Pringles
can" Wi-Fi antennas that were popular a few years ago, in a Wi-Fi
Date: Sat, 31 Oct 2009 00:03:02 -0400
From: [email protected]
Subject: [amsat-bb] Simple 2.4Ghz helix plans?
I threw this out there on the eham satellite forum looking for answers
but I'll try here too.
I'm looking for some fairly simple plans for this antenna. Everything I
find either seems to be intended for WiFi or if it is ham related is
full of mathematical formulas to figure length, diameter, spacing etc.
Math was never my strong suit so I'd prefer to find something with the
actual already computed dimensions clearly stated. Preferably in English
rather than metric measurements. I found an article in the May/June 2008
AMSAT Journal that looked promising but there are no hard numbers, just
the formulas and I don't have a calculator capable of some of the
computations, much less being able to work them out in my head. Been a
long time since I was in school!.. hi hi... I have a downconverter I'm
not sure even works and I don't want to spend a huge amount of time and
trouble to be able to test it.
Tnx and 73,
Michael, W4HIJ
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