(Venice, LA, USA) Wyatt Dirks, AC0RA, and Clayton Coleman, W5PFG will travel to the mouth of the Mississippi River in far Southeast Louisiana to activate maidenhead gridsquare EL58hx on Memorial Day weekend, 2018. The primary activities will be on the 6m band and OSCAR satellites. This will be Wyatt’s first activation of EL58 in Louisiana and Clayton’s second. Both operators have conducted multiple, successful portable activations over the years, with Wyatt activating over 200 grid squares and Clayton over 150. Dates, the operating location in the grid, and transportation arrangements are confirmed.
The activation is scheduled to begin after 23:00 UTC on May 25 and will conclude by 20:00 UTC on May 27. All 6m operations will use the callsign AC0RA. All satellite operations will use the callsign W5PFG. HF operation will occur during slower periods on 6m and when there are no satellites in view. Those wishing to confirm HF contacts must do so via ARRL’s Logbook of the World (LoTW.) 6m and Satellite confirmations will be available following the expedition on LoTW in addition to paper QSL’s accompanied with a Self-Addressed, Stamped Envelope (SASE.)
Further information will be released prior to the expedition. For general inquiries contact Clayton, W5PFG, at [email protected]. For 6m operational questions contact Wyatt, AC0RA, at [email protected].