When Clint wins the lottery ...
I am going to have 10,000 or so handhelds (sorry, guys) made that are truly useable by the visually-impaired - and give 'em away to that community. Voice prompts and voice when any key is touched. An intelligently-laid-out keypad that gets spec'd to me by HandiHams. Something TRULY appreciated by that community.
I have seen visually-impaired hams work with the old ADI AT-600 - which was well-received. But there's so much more than can be put into an HT. I mean, hams liked the AT-600 (and Kenwood TH-F6a) because it "beeped" at certain points when programming (like when you scrolled CTCSS and hit 100.0hz). But we need to build voice into every step of programming. The technology is there.
OK. Enough for Clint's off-topic rant. But if you ever see me on CNN as a lottery winner - expect a GREAT handheld radio for the visually-impaired about six months thereafter.
Clint, K6LCS